Educational Resources

The Canadian Undergraduate Curriculum in Paediatrics, canuc-paeds, is a comprehensive curriculum in paediatrics designed to cover the span of undergraduate medical education. The curriculum is the result of a collaborative effort from paediatric educators from medical schools across Canada, the Paediatric Undergraduate Program Directors of Canada (PUPDOC).

Cards are free, open-access clinical paediatric cases – feedback and resources are provided for each case.

Canadian Paediatric Society position statements and practice points have clinical guidance and policy recommendations for paediatricians, family physicians, nurses, government officials and others. They also include links to other relevant documents and resources, including information for parents.

Pedagogy - Online Education from the Canadian Paediatric Society

Pedagogy is the Canadian Paediatric Society’s online learning portal. It features one-hour self-guided learning modules on a variety of paediatric topics, as well as the Education Program for Immunization Competencies (EPIC) which covers all aspects of safe, effective immunization practice and delivery.

PedsCases allows students to experience core virtual cases not seen in their clerkship experience. The goal is that PedsCases will deliberately generate content in a variety of formats including virtual patients, to ensure core pediatric knowledge is translated to undergraduate learners in a comprehensive manner.