
Cervical adenitis
Reactive lymphadenopathy

  • Describe the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system
  • Compare and contrast the physical characteristics and distribution of normal versus abnormal lymphatic tissue
  • Distinguish between infectious and non-infectious causes of lymphadenopathy in children
  • Name and classify pathogens that cause lymphadenopathy in children

Overview & Foundational Knowledge

Sahai S. Lymphadenopathy.  Pediatrics in Review 2013; 34: 216-227.

Nice review article. Includes definition of lymphadenopathy, anatomy and physiology, differential diagnosis of lymph node enlargement (systemic and local), history and physical findings, investigations and management. Article has good pictures of lymph nodes in head & neck area and in other body parts. Brief description of diseases causing lymphadenopathy.

Friedmann AM. Evaluation and Management of Lymphadenopathy in Children. Pediatrics in Review 2008; 29: 53-60.

Nice comprehensive review.

Learn Pediatrics: Approach to Lymphadenopathy

Nice brief review.

Learn Pediatrics: Approach to Pediatric Leukemias and Lymphomas

Nice tables.

Gosche JR & Vick L. Acute, subacute, and chronic cervical lymphadenitis in children.  Seminars in Pediatric Surgery 2006; 15(2): 99-106.


Luzuriaga K & Sullivan JL.  Infectious Mononucleosis. N Engl J Med 2010; 362: 1993-2000.  Peters TR & Edwards KM. Cervical Lymphadenopathy and Adenitis. Pediatrics in Review 2000; 21: 399-405.

Infectious causes of lymphadenopathy, nice tables.




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